Howdy from the farm!

"Y'all Want Seconds?" is filled with approachable recipes for every home. From scratch made pasta to delicious bread and simple one pan meals, there is something for everyone inside these pages.

I'm just tickled pink you're here on our little corner of prairie paradise. Our door is always open and the welcome mat says, "supper is ready!"

I've adored all things culinary since I was a little city girl. I would help my Mimi make eggs in the morning for breakfast, stir my grandma's famous beef stew in her kitchen on a chilly fall evening, and sit on the kitchen counter while my mom scooped Christmas snickerdoodle cookies onto a baking sheet in anticipation of Santa's arrival.

Feeding people feeds me. It's a way I show love, and there's not a feeling in the world like a packed table to overflow my cup. So while you'll see weekly recipes around here for things like Dutch oven chicken noodle soup, I'll also share my love for the outdoors and gardening.

It turns out I love to teach, too! You'll find things here on the blog about how to grow lettuce at home, my experience planting cantaloupes, and (hopefully) everything you need to know about planting tulips.

I barely remember life before this place, but let me try to capture a few fun facts and tidbits about myself!

Before farm living

If you would have told 10 year old, 15 year old or even 25 year old Erin she would one day realize her dream of living in the countryside, she would have absolutely cackled. I grew up as an only child in the Oklahoma City suburbs with the best parents a girl could pray for. We were definitely more "country club" than country. I went to private school, attended Oklahoma State University for college, graduated with a degree in Marketing and landed a fast-paced job in the financial industry as VP of Marketing for a small firm. I was on cloud nineteen, if that was a thing. I was married to my college sweetheart and loving my little ¼ acre neighborhood lot with outrageous HOA fees.

Then it happened. Reality swung hard and connected with my entire being. I found myself a 27-year old divorcee with a lonely house and more time on my hands than I wanted to fill. I re-connected with my now-husband, who also went to Oklahoma State and was a distant friend, by chance at a concert. We started dating when I wasn't even looking and still had a sour taste in my mouth. He was patient, encouraged me to still be independent (we're both fiercely this way), and oftentimes knew more of what I needed than I did myself. In January 2016 while in line for a truck wash (of all things), he turned to me and asked the million dollar question. Where did I see us for the rest of the year and possibly beyond? We decided right there with soap pouring off the windshield that I would move an hour north to the farm to be with him.

Holy literal cow…I live on a farm

I only had one moment of, "what in the world did I do?!" when I first moved to our itty bitty town of 51 people. It happened while working cattle with Bryan and his dad one blustery winter morning. I was bundled up to my earlobes freezing my nads off and was told to bring the four wheeler to a certain part of the pasture. I almost croaked of embarrassment when I looked at my now father-in-law and said sheepishly, "Sir, I've never operated one of those."

Y'all, I've never met a more patient man besides my own husband than my father-in-law. He was so kind to me and taught me all the things this city girl would just wide-eyed stare at the two of them doing before I joined the herd, so to speak. I was one of them now, and I had to pull up my (very new) boot straps and learn...and damn if I wasn't going to get GOOD at it! The first time he told me, "Atta girl!" when I killed a snake was a day I'll never forget. I was absolutely BEAMING with pride.

So needless to say, I was absolutely in love with living on a farm! Everyone who knew me would laugh and laugh and chide, "Oh you'll be back to the city someday. You're too prissy for country life." My gosh, I love proving people wrong. And let me tell you, there were a LOT of skeptics. I understood where it was coming from, though. I traded my Gianni Bini heels for Ariat work boots and my GMC Yukon for a King Ranch F-150. Quite the change.

"Y'all Want Seconds?" is filled with approachable recipes for every home. From scratch made pasta to delicious bread and simple one pan meals, there is something for everyone inside these pages.

Now I get to share our life with you

Fast forward six years later, and here we are! I'm still on the farm, have learned so damn much about this life, and have such a zeal for sharing it with you. I'll throw my husband some credit and say that he did, in fact, tell me to start this page half a decade ago. You were right, cowboy. Now, read that once more because I probably won't say it again for a loooong time. Wink.

A little about me

-That smiley little sous chef above is our pride and joy, Brannock (pronounced bran-ick) Dean Fischer. He's smart as a whip, loves to eat and sleep, and adores his cowboy hat! His unique first name is my great-grandmother's maiden name.
-I'm an extrovert's extrovert. I love small talk (yes, I know I made a lot of you cringe), but I like to think I know when to zip it and observe, too. My husband taught me that last part.
-I've been tall and lanky my entire life. I'm just north of 5'9", for reference when I post something fashion-related.
-I've hardly ever met a food I didn't like. You're not surprised, are you? 🙂
-I'm a graphic designer by trade and own Trusner Designs, LLC. I specialize in small business branding, logo design and custom wedding stationery suites. I'd love it if you'd pop over for a visit!

"Y'all Want Seconds?" is filled with approachable recipes for every home. From scratch made pasta to delicious bread and simple one pan meals, there is something for everyone inside these pages.